The Electric Hellfire Club
Unholy Roller and an eclectic collection of remakes, remixes, and reruns
“S-A-T-A-N! He’s our man! Hey!” Hysterical I tell you. Hysterical. I never have been one to really listen to the Electric Hellfire Club, because honestly, it’s “pop Satanism.” Unholy Roller is nothing short of a side-splitting venture into this “pop” subculture. Most of the remixes contained on here are much dancier than usual, and to think that somewhere kids are probably doing the “gothic ballet” to this makes me want to pay to watch. Voyeuristic probably, but head out and buy it. You will understand. Will someone send me phone numbers for the Goth cheerleaders? I think we might have something here: Give me an S! Cleopatra Records, 13428 Maxella #251, Marina Del Rey , CA 90292