The Black Heart Procession
Touch & Go
An aptly named band featuring Three Mile Pilot members. Moody, sometimes downright depressing songs that have a certain sort of classic air to them, as in “where have I heard this before?” Maybe that’s just coming from repeated listens. I know where I’ve felt this way before. Mood-wise, it reminds me of Leonard Cohen, for some reason. Songs with a sad story to them that get listened to time and again because they are simply great songs, resplendently beautiful in their sadness. At times richly textured with diverse instrumentation and sounds, at times spare-sounding, but never lacking in atmosphere. This evokes quite a stream of images and feelings, and if you don’t mind, I’d like to go wallow a bit.
Touch And Go Records, P.O. Box 25520, Chicago, IL 60625-0520