East, Meet West
Action Driver
Energetic, guitar-driven pop rock, more on the edge of bands like Jimmy Eat World, but sometimes you just can’t find the right genre-defining label. Post-popcore? At times, the vocals go down into this strange Elvis Costello action, while in the background the guitars just drive on those chords, wicked clean distortion, as the drums keep the whole show going. Some nice dynamics here, some good harmonies, keeping up the energy, but not letting the album move at the same speed. Gives you room to breathe. The swing of the sticks, going from a nice Chicago rock shuffle straight into straight-ahead rock rhythm, and breaking at the drop of a power chord, is what keeps me listening. Love those drums. The vocals are strong, and the bass keeps up and fills it out. Touches of a more aggressive hardcore edge at times, but the melodic rock shines through.
Action Driver, P.O. Box 11866, Charleston, WV 25339