Somewhere along the brief life of Internet news, somebody decided that the writing has to be ultra-hip, slightly mundane, and chock-full of obscure references. As well, somewhere along the long life of news reporting, somebody decided that Americans don[base ‘]t care about foreign affairs or quiet national corruption. Not This online extension of Mother Jones magazine, the well-respected investigative antithesis of corporate-influenced mass media, offers personal-based feature stories on subjects that the regular media would rarely touch. They expose the down sides to corporate-owned jails in America, discuss why Al Gore refuses to include alcohol in his tirade against drugs (just the tip of the iceberg: the upcoming St. Louis presidential debate is being sponsored by Anheuser-Busch) and generally provide insight into a world of issues that sources like CNN refuses to acknowledge. The reporting is spectacular and accurate, and the daily site also offers “must-reads” [^] a series of news stories from other publications around the world that may be of interest to their readers. An online magazine for those who care to consider themselves informed, is insightful and, moreover, provocative.