Sarah Cracknell
Kelly’s Locker
Who is Sarah Cracknell, and why does the CD insert remind me of Mary Lou Lord? I don’t know. I know that the music reminds of a very mellow Kristen Hersh. The voice isn’t as distinct, but there are some similarities there, I think. This is the voice that blesses the music of St. Etienne, but here, mostly solo mellow, she fades into a persona that isn’t as strong. The background is definitely going in a different direction, with piano moving quietly through. The songs that stick to that are definitely mellow and enveloping, but times change… as do the songs. Drum machine in a night club kicks in, and the voice remains strong and pure, but I can’t help but imagine the college kids dancing with their beer in a disco-ball haze of smoke and black light.
Instinct Records, 26 W. 17th St. #502-A, New York, NY 10011