Atomic Church
The Music Cartel
C’mon now, another “stoner rock” record? Ugh. Sure, Roachpowder’s Atomic Church firmly fulfills the tenets • jammy Kyussisms, mid-period Cathedralish boogie, Raging Slabbed swagger, and general bong-addled atmosphere • of the loosely defined scene, but is asking for an iota of identity or originality amidst the heavy-metalled hookah haze just plain asking for too much? Guess so, punters. Again, you could do worse • a lot worse • because, really, Atomic Church rocks pretty damn hard when you’re not paying much attention, but could I • or, for that matter, you • readily or even cursorily discern Roachpowder from all the other van dwellers being peddled on Not bloody likely. Stone on to nowhere.
The Music Cartel, PO Box 629, Port Washington, NY 11050;