Donald Glaude
Mixed Live @ Washington D.C.
If one were ever to commit a live recording to CD, it would be wise to not equally balance crowd noise with the music itself. In this case, Donald Glaude has nearly committed this flaw, which submerges the quality of tunes that he’s dropping. The dynamic and energetic DJ brings the funk and the noise on his latest mix disc for prolific Moonshine. An uptempo house longplay that includes Glaude’s own production as well, Mixed really does evoke the true experience of witnessing a DJ perform in a club atmosphere. Although the mix could do without the nauseating horn samples, this live trek isn’t half as bad as one would imagine. Good for background fodder while sipping drinks at the bar, Donald Glaude’s latest is upbeat, and at times, pretty fun. If only he didn’t have the microphone pointed at the crowd, we would all be better off.
Moonshine Music, 8525 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood, CA 90069;