Darren Emerson
020/Emerson: Singapore
Global Underground
If you’re into nonstop trippy party tunes, well mixed classy beats, and rhythms that will replay themselves in your head for days, 020/Emerson: Singapore will make you very, very happy. Insert this set and just add guests for an instant party, anywhere! It’s a bit of house, a little world, and a lot of cool, and is guaranteed to be a hit at any shindig you throw this summer. Emerson, a UK favorite, serves up dish after dish of smart, entrancing music well suited for a good time, or a long bath. It’s the perfect wallpaper music, fitting into dozens of moods and situations, playing while you live your life. For the above average classy electronic consumer, this is a dream come true. To everyone else, it’s the stuff you hear at trendy clubs. In reality, it’s both, and a good solid piece to add to your collection.