The second release from the surprisingly Christian pop gang ZOEgirl, Life, is what you’d expect from 3 young women in trendy pop star garb and chunky highlights – except Christian. The result is girly whirl that actually (gasp!) has depth. The religious references aren’t overpowering and the harmony and sound is expected, but still somehow very different from Aguleria, Simpson, and Spears. The sweet “With All My Heart” kicks off the disc with a fun and interesting twist, the clubby “Dismissed” tells of a guy who gets (to put it nicely) let go because he’s too controlling, “R U Sure About That” features a classical remix, a lightly dancefloor “Ordinary Day” is an anthem for young people who lead busy lives (and have a religious faith), and “Plain” is a big sister song about finding the right boy that’s as necessary as it is nice. ZOEgirl is taking pop music to a new level respectfully, and if nothing else, they prove that they can be as fun as any of their peers but can still have a deep faith. Religion (of any denomination) has become a taboo topic, and any music that brings back the appreciation of the powers greater than us without going overboard is a blessing.
ZOEgirl: http://www.zoegirlonline.com