Tall Paul
Back And Forth
Imagine yourself on the largest roller coaster in the world, enclosed in complete darkness. The thrill and excitement, the unpredictable exhilaration as you’re whipped around, dipped and dunked, not knowing where you’re going to be thrown next. Or think of the anticipation, anxiety, and nervous thralldom as you embrace a new lover for the first time. Or the hope, optimism, and nervousness you feel starting a new job. Take all that excitement, all that thrill, exhilaration, anticipation, and ecstasy, wrap it all up in one, dynamic package, and that thing would be the exact antithesis of Tall Paul’s Back And Forth. Pretty predictable stuff here – perfect for a mindless drone dancefloor – but, overall, pretty tired.
Moonshine Music: http://www.moonshine.com