Music Reviews

Milagro Acustico

I Storie ó Café di lu Furestiero


Milagro Acustico is the brainchild of one Bob Salmieri, who has assembled a diverse and insanely talented cast of Mediterranean and Eastern musicians to help bring this concept album of life in a Sicilian café to life. It’s a surprisingly well-crafted and intriguingly narrated affair, which constantly pushes the envelope of atmospheric crossover World Music.

A few of the tracks do fall uncomfortably close to poor-taste new-age sounds, such as the trippy “Duci Velenu,” and ruin some of the otherwise elegant flow of this album. But thankfully, those moments are few and far between and don’t seriously detract from this richly textured and daring set, one that moves carefully and unassumingly along, with superb performances and brave songwriting.

Salmieri succeeds in capturing the lush and comforting feel of a quiet night out with friends, in some faraway place, and in making it matter. I Storie ó Café di lu Furestiero is an album of background music that’s actually worth stopping up and listening to – a grand and impressive feat.

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