The Sound of the Crowd

About the apparent terrorist video…

…the one that ABC obtained a couple of days ago, and that the pro-Bush blogs have had their hair on fire about wanting aired. Something that was kicking around in the back of my head before ABC did in fact air it earlier this evening:

Can anyone give me one good reason for airing this except to help Bush? Terrorists want to kill us. This is not news. It’s like the much-mocked color-coded “terror warnings” that exist only to keep us scared and do nothing to keep us safe.

The only reasons the pro-Bush bloggers wanted it aired so badly is because they think Bush profits by people’s fear. But…read this, by Atrios.

By the way: I’m sure we can trust the experts on this, but after watching the tape, it sure looked a lot more to me like something a rabid Bush supporter cooked up. You know, the kind of nuts who attack their girlfriends for political reasons. But that’s Mr. Paranoid Far-left Liberal speaking.

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