Truth to Power


First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Mohandas Gandhi

Welcome to yet another blog. It is hopeful that this site will provide a place for discussion and education, venting and reinventing.

After the elections of 2000, and most assuredly, 2004, it is evident that the traditional notion of “vote the bums out” can be safely laid to rest. Our election system is an embarrassment, and only those who feel themselves to have “won” can accept it for what it is, even though they choose not to examine it.

This site will examine our world, both good and bad, and give people the resources they need to help change the status quo. Because the status quo will kill us all. We must teach our neighbors, friends, and most importantly, our children, that a better world is possible. And more than possible, it is necessary. We can no longer stand idly by and let a small group of religiously deranged, warmongering hypercrites to rule our planet. They must be held to account for their lies.

We must speak the truth to power.

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Always… Patsy Cline

Always… Patsy Cline

Archikulture Digest

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Lorraine of the Lions

Lorraine of the Lions

Screen Reviews

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Rachel Hendrix

Rachel Hendrix

Archikulture Digest

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