Music Reviews
Lesbians on Ecstasy

Lesbians on Ecstasy

Lesbians on Ecstasy

Alien8 Recordings

The Canadian Lesbians On Ecstasy use a mix of originals, covers and tracks “inspired by…the lesbo back catalogue” (Tracy Chapman, etc.) that they have (re) “Queer Eyed,” as it were, into kind of poppy, high-energy club music.

This is a great idea, when it works. Such as on “Tell Me Does She Love The Bass,” which takes the Melissa Etheridge song “Like The Way I Do” and turns it into a thumping electronic house rave track. And the best original, “Manipulation,” sounds like a new romantic girl’s therapy session, set to the dark strains of a guest cello player. “Summer Luv” and “Bitchsy” also deserve mention. The former is a discotheque fantasy of paradise where one of their daydreams is to “quit this fucking band.” The latter is a minimalist proclamation that “All women are…”

But when it comes to turning KD Lang’s material into something suitable for a disco diva, “Kundstand Kroving” can’t compare to the standout mixes Lang herself released of the “If I Were You” single. And elsewhere (such as “Parachute Clubbing”), LOE seem to be hiding behind a cushion of irony. This is to say, drop the spoken word, girls, and sing, sing a song, sing out proud, sing out strong. Some better production would help in places, too – the drum machine shouldn’t sound quite so clapped-out.

Call them what you like (Pet Shop Girls? Francine Goes To Hollywood?), LOE are trying to bring the point of view of their sisterhood to what is traditionally a gay men’s genre. There’s enough here to warrant investigation, especially by techno dance music fans looking for the occasional alternative to Peter Rauhofer and Kylie. Or lesbians who just can’t take another Indigo Girls-type song played straight (you should pardon the expression).

Lesbians On Ecstasy:

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