Truth to Power

If Jesus returns…

If Jesus returns, Karl Rove will kill him

March 22, 2005

Harvey Wasserman

As we enter another Easter Season, it’s become all too obvious that if Christ returns, those who hate in his name will slime him, then kill him.

Christ was a long-haired peace activist who would have been sickened to his soul by the war in Iraq. “Blessed are the peacemakers” Jesus said in his defining Sermon on the Mount. “Turn the other cheek…Love thy neighbor.”

Such hippie-radical ideals are the “Christian” right wing’s worst nightmare. The GOP would never tolerate an upstart like Jesus gathering a following in the face of their corporate-fundamentalist crusade. These are self-proclaimed Christians who love power but would despise the actual Christ, just as they love a Zionist Israel but believe actual Jews are doomed to Hell. </i>

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