The Sound of the Crowd

book meme

Saw this on Pop Culture Gadabout, thought I’d join in:

You’re stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be?

Either Angry Candy by Harlan Ellison or Tolkien’s The Hobbit. They have two of my all time favorite openings that I think I’d be pleased to speak aloud for the rest of my life:

“This was an old man. Not an incredibly old man: obsolete, spavined, not as worn as the sway-backed steps ascending the Pyramid of the Sun to an ancient temple; not yet a relic. But even so, a very old man…”

And of course, “In a hole in the ground, there lived a Hobbit.”

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?

I’m sure I have, but at the moment all I can think of are ones I actually created (Keitha, in a weird way Giovanni Raul Ferris), which is egotistical. Of course, Anne Hathaway’s a fictional character, isn’t she? Real women aren’t that beautiful…

The last book you bought is:

A used copy, online, of William Goldman’s Which Lie Did I Tell? in hardback to replace the paperback I wore out a while ago. This is my favorite of Goldman’s books on the film business, and the one I’ve found most useful.

The last book you read:

John & Faith Hubley (with Garry Trudeau), A Doonesbury Special, A Director’s Notebook. The script and production drawings to one of the best animated adaptations of a comic strip ever made.

What are you currently reading?

Mike Medavoy’s You’re Only As Good As Your Last One.

Five books you would take to a deserted island:

Well, I’ve done this. But if only five:

Essential Ellison and the aforementioned

Hobbit, to be sure.

Art and Love

World According To Garp

A graphic novel to be named later (maybe Usagi Yojimbo, maybe Sandman)

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