Aiden Delgado, an Army Reservist in the 320th Military Police Company, served in Iraq from April 1st , 2003 through April 1st, 2004. After spending six months in Nasiriyah in Southern Iraq, he spent six months helping to run the now-infamous Abu Ghraib prison outside of Baghdad.
The handsome 23-year-old mechanic was a witness to widespread, almost daily, U.S. war crimes in Iraq. His story contains new revelations about ongoing brutality at Abu Ghraib, information yet to be reported in national media.</i>
Reading accounts such as this make it all too clear why the US is loathed and feared around the world. This is what is being done in your name, with your money and approval. And soon, probably your children.
Go ahead, slap a “I support torture” magnet on your car.