Truth to Power

Last throes, my tush

Operation Desperation; Rumsfeld’s Baghdad fiasco

“I think they’re in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency.” Vice President Dick Cheney; assessing the strength of the insurgency on CNN’s Larry King 5-30-05

It’s clear now that the size and strength of the insurgency has surpassed all the previous predictions and that the civilian leadership of the occupation forces is lashing out in desperation to quell the violence. Iraq has quickly degenerated into the most poorly executed military campaign in American history. The United States is being beaten, and beaten quite badly. Notwithstanding Vice President Cheney’s nonsensical bluster, the insurgency has gained ground in all areas of the conflict; increasing the death toll among American servicemen, blowing up oil pipelines, controlling supply lines, sabotaging attempts at reconstruction, and enlisting broader support from the native population. Despite the circus elections performed as a publicity stunt for the American public some months ago, Iraq has become ungovernable. Again, the extent of the failure is truly breathtaking.

Just in case anyone happened to mistakenly listen to our executive branch…

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