Truth to Power

Lets add perjury to the stew

Rove, Libby Accounts in CIA Case Differ With Those of Reporters

July 22 (Bloomberg) – Two top White House aides have given accounts to a special prosecutor about how reporters first told them the identity of a CIA agent that are at odds with what the reporters have said, according to people familiar with the case.

Even I, who truly feel that Bush and crew are virtually untouchable- hell, they’ve skated on everything up to now- I’m starting to think that by the end of this Grand Jury session (in October), several high-ranking administration officials will be indicted. All it takes is for one to sing, and then the dam will break.

Like Watergate, which began because of a botched, unnecessary robbery, wouldn’t it be something that a simple act of political “screw you” is what begins to unravel the Bush presidency.

Which brings us to a different point.

Bush has manufactured a level of hysteria in this country from 9/11 forward that has radically changed our mindset, to the point that a large amount of our citizens feel that we are under constant attack, and only our steadfast President keeps the wolves from our door- or our subway stations. This is of course a complete fallacy. Our level of security is most likely far less than on 9.10.01, simply because we’ve done our level best to piss off as much of the worlds population as possible, breeding terror a bit more each day, while we underfund recommended security measures, cheat our military, and hand over cash to mercenaries on pallets.

So when the leader of the sheep’s holy war is stripped naked and shown to be a petty religious fanatic who isn’t above a bit of bribery and corruption, what then? I don’t think the result will be pretty, partly because whatever leadership fills the void is likely to only be a “Bush Lite” model. Unless we seriously address WHY these people want us dead, we’ll never be secure. Unless we remove our presence from the Middle East, end our support for Israel, and generally stop “going abroad to find dragons to slay”, we will never know peace.

George Bush is, in my accounting, only our second worse president, but he certainly is the most corrupt. The only way our nation can hope to restore our stature in the world- hell, to be taken seriously at all, instead of just feared- is for his impeachment. Even the most partisan of right wing nutjobs will begin to see the writing on the wall, possibly before the elections of ‘06. If Rove and his gang of knucklebusters are on trial, day after day while Congressional seats are in play, it can’t bode well for the Rethugs.

Good riddance to bad rubbish, I say.

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