Some good news
The following New Orleans area musicans have been accounted for, thank heavens:
Pete Alba, Jeff Albert, Steve Allen, Kevin Allman, Mark Anderson, Theresa Andersson, James “Satchmo of the Ghetto” Andrews, Troy “Trombone Shorty” Andrews, Johnny Angel, Steve Armstrong, Astral Project, Victor Atkins.
Christine Balfa, Marcia Ball, Lucien Barbarin, Bruce “Sunpie” Barnes, Mike Barras, Rebecca Barry, Dave Bartholomew, Harold Battiste, Jamal Battiste, Russell Batiste, Suzette Becker, Al Belletto (and Linda), Doug Belote, Tab Benoit, Better Than Ezra, Terrance Blanchard, Eddie Bo (plus sister Veronica and his band), Bonerama, Big Chief Monk Boudreaux, John Boutte (Florida), Lillian Boutte (England; her N.O. family is safe), Tanya Boutte, Tricia “Sista Teedy” Boutte, Alonzo Bowens, Jesse Boyd, Hal Braden, Mark Braud, Juanita Brooks, Mark Brooks, Russ Broussard, Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown, Jody Brown, Maurice Brown (in Chicago), George and Nina Buck, Henry Butler (in Monroe).
Grayson Capps, Big Al Carson, Ricki Castrillo, Brian “Breeze” Cayo! le, Topsy Chapman, Alex Chilton, Evan Christopher, Jon Cleary, Annie Clements, Earl Conway, Brian Coogan, Juanita Tolbert Cooper, Cowboy Mouth, Susan Cowsill, Davell Crawford, Jack Cruz.
Tony Dagradi, Dash Rip Rock, Jeremy Davenport, Theryl “Houseman” DeClouet, Allen Dejan, Nora Dejoie, Roger Dickerson (in San Antone, then New Mexico), Dirty Dozen Brass Band, The Dixie Cups (alive but lost everything), Big Chief Bo Dollis and the Wild Magnolias, Michael Domenici, Fats Domino, Michael Doucet and all of BeauSoleil, Dr. John.
Snooks Eaglin (and family of 12, now homeless), Lars Edegran, Nancy Edwards.
Charlie Fardela, Lionel Ferbos, Jack Fine (of the Palmetto Bug Stompers), Rob Florence and family, Pat Flory, John Fohl, Andy Forrest, Gina Forsyth, Pete Fountain, Derrick Freeman, Jonathan Freilich (N.O. Klezmer All-Stars), Bob French, Gerald French, Peter Fuller, funky Meters.
Galactic, Lauren Gaudin (New Orleans Magazine), Katri! na Geenen (WWOZ DJ), Cheryl Gerber & Marc McGrain (local music pho tographers), Banu Gibson, Victor Goines, Steve Goodson, Tim Green, John “Papa” Gros (and the whole Papa Grows Funk band), Roland Guerin.
James Hall, Tony Hall, Jeff Hannusch (“Almost Slim”, OffBeat music journalist), Ben Harris, Corey Harris, Grant Harris, Leigh “Little Queenie” Harris, Donald Harrison Jr., Bill Hart, Jeff Hebert, Duke Heighter, Clarence “Frogman” Henry, Corey Henry, Ryan Hiller, Andi Hoffman, Peter Holsapple, The Hot Club of New Orleans, Bill Huntington.
Mike Ieya, The Iguanas, Burke Ingraffia.
David James, Bunchy Johnson, Benny Jones Sr., Connie Jones, Leroy Jones, Kidd Jordan and family, Marlon Jordan, Kirk Joseph.
Antoinette K-Doe (supposedly okay), Luther Kent, Craig Klein, Erik Klerks, Chris Kohn, Lew Kreinberg, Joe Krown.
Julia LaShea, Joseph Lastie, Tim Laughlin, Washboard Chaz Leary, Herman Lebeaux, Matt Leder, Bryan Lee, Matt Lemmler, David Leonard & Roselyn Lionheart (David & Roselyn), Herman Leonard, Lil! ‘ Rascals Brass Band, Lil’ Stooges Brass Band, Eric Lindell, A.J. Loria, Simon Lott, Ingrid Lucia, Jeremy Lyons.
Ronald Markham, Ellis Marsalis, Delfeayo Marsalis, Dolores Marsalis, Jason Marsalis, Wynton Marsalis, Steve Masakowski, Irvin Mayfield, Tom McDermott, Alberto Medina, Humberto “Pupi” Menez (and aunt Caridad Delatorre), Charlie Miller, David Mooney, Charles Louie Moore, Deacon John Moore (although band members unknown), Bill Morgan, Tom Morgan, Chris Mule.
Kenny Neal, The Neville Brothers (Aaron, Art, Charles, Cyril), Charmaine Neville, Ivan Neville, Carlo Nuccio (post-storm okay, post-flood unknown).
Kevin O’Day, Nancy Ochsenschlager, Anders Osborne.
Stevenson Palfi, Earl Palmer, Panorama Jazz Band, Jason Patterson Joshua Paxton, Michael Pearce, Ed Petersen, Loren Pickford & finacee Sheila Bauer, Dave Pirner, Renard Poche, Pocketfoxx, George Porter Jr., Dirk Powell, Shannon Powell and family, Preservation Hall (high and dry,! and most musicians and staff have checked in).
The Radiators, Omar Ramirez, Jan V. Ramsey & most of OffBeat Magazine staff), Rebirth Brass Band (all members), Trevor Richards, Sammy Rimington, Marcus Roberts, Coco Robicheaux, Rockin’ Dopsie Jr. and the Zydeco Twisters, John Rodli (N.O. Jazz Vipers), Biff Rose, Brent Rose, Wanda Rouzan, Dixie Rubin, Kermit Ruffins, Dorian Rush.
Scott Saltzman, Mark Samuels (Pres., Basin Street Records), Will Samuels (Basin Street Records), Ben Sandmel, Jumpin’ Johnny Sansone, Marc and Ann Savoy and family, Alexandra Scott, Briain Seeger, Mem Shannon and the Membership, Derek Shezbie, Larry Sieberth, James Singleton, Johnny Sketch, Michael Skinkus, Jon Smith, Leslie Smith, Robert Snow (N.O. Jazz Vipers), Steamboat Willie, Sally Stevens, Brian Stoltz, Marc Stone, Bill Summers, Supagroup, Ken Swartz.
Irma Thomas, Tom Thompson, Michael Tisserand (editor of the Gambit and zydeco historian) and family, David Torkanowsky, Allen Toussaint, Rick Trolsen, Willie Turbinton.
Don Vapp! ie (Milly too, presumably), Johnny Vidacovich, Milton Villarrubia.
Rob Wagner, Mark Walton, Walter “Wolfman” Washington”, Raymond Webber, Melissa Weber, Kim Weiser, Mike West, Where New Orleans Magazine and its entire staff, Catherine White, Matthew White, Dr. Michael White, Cornell Williams, Jamelle Williams, Big Sammy Williams, Marva Wright.
Linnzi Zaorski.