Silo 10
Silo 10
Dogfingers/Uncle Buzz
Just for the record, Silo 10 isn’t a band. It’s not even an album. Well technically it is, but in actuality, it is more of a concept. Wanting to capture the acoustics of a hollow aluminum silo, Warren Rivera and James Sidlo recorded this synth/drone/trance “album” in the grain silos outside of the Blue Star Art Complex in San Antonio. The result is something like background music to a dream. It’s filled with slow effects and minor buildups. It’s extremely hard to describe the album, since I kept falling asleep while listening to it. But that is exactly what Rivera and Sidlo seem want: an album that requires no thinking or active listening, and quickly fades into the background.
To pay any attention to Silo 10 is to have an amazing ability to focus. While the concept of using a silo to create an entirely different musical experience deserves recognition, it’s hard to applaud an album that doesn’t move musically from start to finish. If they made a little more effort to make the music do something, then this would make for a great hidden treasure. Instead, it just needs to remain hidden.
Dogfingers: • Uncle Buzz: