Truth to Power

Great headline

When Knight-Ridder syndicates a story with the following headline, you have to think the tide is turning:

In challenging war’s critics, administration tinkers with truth

The administration’s overarching premise is beyond dispute: Administration officials, Democratic and Republican lawmakers and even leaders of foreign governments believed intelligence assessments that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. That intelligence turned out to be wrong.

But Bush, Cheney, and other senior officials have added several other arguments in recent days that distort the factual record. Below, Knight Ridder addresses the administration’s main assertions:

ASSERTION: In his speech, Bush noted that “more than a hundred Democrats in the House and the Senate – who had access to the same intelligence – voted to support removing Saddam Hussein from power.”

CONTEXT: This isn’t true.

The Congress didn’t have access to the President’s Daily Brief, a top-secret compendium of intelligence on the most pressing national security issues that was sent to the president every morning by former CIA Director George Tenet. </i>

Well, there ya go. Major news organization calling our government a bunch of liars.

Well done!

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