The Auto Body Experience
Forgotten Lots
Dental Records
Occasionally, I get a disc I fall in love with on the first bar of music. Auto Body Experience’s Forgotten Lots grabbed me immediate with its jazzy, funny “Cave Beneath My Cube.” There’s a story, great lyrics and a well-played, enjoyable sound, making for a transcendental listening experience. Auto Body Experience consists of 7 guys from St. Paul, MN. Besides being fine musicians, they have a clear sense of humor. Kent Peterson does the Auxiliary Percussion, Tom Twiss runs the flugelhorn and Scott Yoho handles group memorization. Heck, anyone can have a guitarist and a drummer, but here we have a band with a Professional Crowd Augmenter.
I think it’s the material that grabs me. When not playing Anoka and the greater-Hibbing area, these boys have Dilbert-style desk jobs, and one of them seems to have had a fling with Resusi-Annie. These are my kind of guys, worrying about spit valves and blaming the world for every minor personal failure. In a way, these guys are a bit like They Might Be Giants, but with softer lyrics and a larger sound. Drop this on the player for your next second date, and see how things go.
Auto Body Experience: