Truth to Power

Hip hip Delay! Big bad Tom is running away…

Tom DeLay Plans to Resign From Congress


WASHINGTON – Succumbing to scandal, former Majority Leader Tom Delay intends to resign from Congress within weeks, closing out a career that blended unflinching conservatism with a bare-knuckled political style.

Republican officials said Monday night they expect the Texan to quit his seat later this spring. He was first elected in 1984, and conceded he faced a difficult race for re-election.

He has served our nation with integrity and honor,” said Majority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, who succeeded DeLay in his leadership post earlier this year.</i>

Except for that whole indictment thing, right John?

Good to see Delay fleeing like a roach from bright light, which, considering his former occupation, makes sense. One down, so many to go…

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