2.3 million and counting
Desert Storm- 20,000
Sanctions: 1.5 million
Iraq, the sequel: 650,000 (so far)
So, somewhere in the neighborhood of 2.3 MILLION Iraqis have died, as the result of actions by the United States, since 1990. These three men are the war criminals responsible:
“2.3 million and-X044”
The population of Iraq is around 26 million people. The United States, nearing 300 million. Roughly ten times the size. Do the math. Thats like 20 million of your friends, family and neighbors dying in 15 years due to acts of aggression by an outside nation.
Have you ever, since 1990, felt threatened by Iraq?
So why did you- by your inaction- allow over 2 million fellow human beings to be killed by bombs, (ours and theirs), be tortured to death by their “liberators”, or in the case of good old “Bubba” Bill Clinton, starve them to death or force their children to die from easily treated diseases by sanction?
The illegality of these wars is no longer debatable. Even if only a single person had died as a result they still would be immoral. But 2.3 million? That’s genocide. This country NEVER posed a threat to us.
2.3 million and counting.
For nothing.