Da Connect
Trump Tight Entertainment
For every good hip hop record there are, of course, dozens of duds, and Pittsburgh rapper D-Lee brings his record of imposter crunk, chopped and screwed leftovers, and club banging clichés straight out of self-proclaimed Pistolvania. Let this review serve as a wide and long yellow strip of police line crime scene tape, cautioning your ears not to go any further than the first track, check that, don’t even waste your time gaping at this hip hop album gone terrible wrong as you stroll by. D-Lee is guilty on all counts of trying to assert himself as the new crunk ambassador of Pittsburgh, PA and failing miserably in the process. He’s guilty on all 17 tracks of creating flat beats; wrote lyrics teeming with every gangster and misogynistic cliché ever conceived and tossing in not one, but two zip code shout outs. While the record might have a fighting chance at auditioning as background beats for late night re-broadcast ESPN highlights, you need not stay up any later than you normal bedtime to listen to D-Lee’s 2006 debut. You’re better off getting your necessary z’s or listening to hip hop that’s more worth your time and money.
D-Lee: http://www.dleeuniverse.com