Joyful Noise
For the last couple years Joyful Noise has been a pretty reliable home for quality bands on the harder end of the indie rock spectrum. From Child Bite to Man at Arms and the Abner Trio, their catalog’s spazzy asides have been backed up by stellar musicianship, quality songwriting bases and, most importantly, innovation. Too bad no one let Lafcadio in on these prerequisites.
Kibosh, the group’s latest offering, doesn’t venture farther than bland retreadings of Blood Brothers hyper-aggro post-hardcore, Rye Coalition sub-metal riffery, grunge and nu-metal (both of which have become jokes unto themselves). Hell, even their ironic ’80s-movie-quoting song titles motif (“When Someone Asks You If You Are a God You Say Yes”) was tapped out by Minus the Bear and Cat on Form about half a decade ago. I’m sure there are some young metalcore kids out there whose minds this will blow, but for the rest of us this is not joyful noise, but thorough boredom.
Joyful Noise: http://www.joyfulnoiserecordings.com