Truth to Power

McSame’s new campaign tactic: The chilling effect

Librarian carrying McCain=Bush sign kicked out of McCain Event

DENVER, Colo.-On orders from Senator John McCain’s security detail, Denver police escorted a 61-year-old woman away who was waiting in line to attend a so-called town hall meeting with McCain that was billed as open to the public.

Carol Kreck, who works as a librarian in Denver, held a homemade sign reading “McCain = Bush.” On orders from McCain’s security detail, police cited her for trespassing and escorted her to the sidewalk. She was told if she returned she would be arrested.

“And all I did was carry a sign that said McCain = Bush,” Kreck said. “And for everyone who voted for Bush, I don’t see why it’s offensive to say McCain = Bush.”

This episode by McCain’s Secret Service appears to be a rerun of McCain’s 2005 town hall in Denver with President Bush in which the Secret Service had three Denver citizens removed from an “open” event where McCain was campaigning with Pres. Bush for his plan to privatize social security.</em>

It’s becoming increasingly apparent that the only possible way McCain gets elected is if he and his advisers don’t speak in public until election day. So it only follows that he’s a bit unsure about the whole “free speech” thing.

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