Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra
Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra
The Led Zeppelin box set has four CDs. All of The Clash’s material fits on three discs. The Sex Pistols changed the world with one badly-mixed LP. So why does Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra need a five-disc debut to present their trivial electronic tunes and digitally synthesized singer to the world?
The Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra consists of a guy named Professor B. Miller and his SPO-20 voice synthesizer which sounds suspiciously like MC Hawking. The vocals are duct-taped on some eight-bit midi music. Some songs are covers, and some are original to Miller and Mr. SPO-20. The titles are intriguing even if the music disappoints, and you might hear Dr. Demento play “Haunted Rent-A-Car,” “The Most Expensive Way to Feed a Zebra,” or “Quicksand Beach” someday. Overall it’s lo-fi and as prolific as kudzu on a Georgia cotton field.
Adding to the joy of this massive opus insultus are the dreaded “enhanced CD” features. These include a full-screen player for your computer, a rambling interview with SPO-20, a few random pages of HTML that just fill space, and a band biography. What this band lacks in dynamic range, they make up for in low-grade creativity. This is monster release concerned more about quantity than quality.
Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra: