Truth to Power

Judge smacks down latest GOP voter supression tactic

Judge: GOP’s voter purge a ‘violation of federal law’

The American Civil Liberties Union is trumpeting a judge’s decision in Michigan which brings to a halt the practice of eliminating voters from rolls if their mailing address is found to be invalid.

Recently, the GOP chairman in Macomb County, Michigan, detailed a plan to use a list of foreclosed homes to challenge voters. His pronouncement drew an immediate backlash, with predictions that the plan would “backfire.”

It has.

The suit, filed by ACLU national and ACLU of Michigan, along with the Advancement Project, aimed to protect voters whose registration cards were returned to government offices by post as ‘undeliverable.’ Judge Stephen J. Murphy of the U.S. District Court of Michigan’s Eastern District concluded that the program of eliminating these voters from rolls is in violation of federal law.

The voter purge program, better known to elections integrity experts as ‘voter caging,’ is a long-storied GOP tactic employed against minority, student and low-income voters. In September, the Obama campaign filed a lawsuit in Michigan challenging the illegal tactic.</em>

Funny, you don’t see these stories blasted on CNN as you do the bullshit about ACORN, do ya? Huh. Wonder what agenda is at play there?

To read how the GOP view voting- and how this entire ACORN nonsense is a tactic designed to cast an Obama victory as tainted, read this.

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