Truth to Power


Birther news site: Did Jesus reveal Obama as the antichrist?

First there were the Birthers, then came the Deathers, and now … the Sataners?

WorldNetDaily, the conservative news website that has been a major proponent of the birther conspiracy, is now pushing a new angle on President Barack Obama: He is the antichrist, as warned of by Jesus Christ Himself.

According to WND, an “American Christian” identified only by his YouTube handle, ppsimmons, posted a video to YouTube explaining that a passage from the book of Luke that quotes Jesus may, in fact, be a warning that Barack Obama is Satan.

The passage, Luke 10:18, states: “And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.”

As reported by David Neiwert at the Crooks and Liars blog, the video argues that, since the Hebrew words for “lightning” and “heaven” are “baraq” and “bamah,” respectively, and since Jesus spoke a language similar to Hebrew (Aramaic), Jesus’ message may have been “I beheld Satan as baraq bamah.”</em>

When future civilizations excavate the remains of America, they will wonder what caused our demise after such a short time on earth. The answer will be three words:


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