Music Reviews
The Prairie Cartel

The Prairie Cartel

Where Did All My People Go

Long Nights, Impossible Odds

Chicago was always a big part of the House Sound, and Prairie Cartel shows there’s still some mojo in the frozen flatlands of USA Central. This basement group pounds out exciting and high-energy dance and remix material, and they were good enough to get their music on Grand Theft Auto. That’s an odd honor, but one they relish. Prairie Cartel packs this recent release with potential hits: “Suitcase Pimp” screams get up and boogie with an electric bassline under the chant “I’ll enhance you, I’ll advance you, I’ll be a suitcase pimp.” Not clear what all that rock band management lingo really means, but it sure sounds like a valuable service. Speaking of service, “Cracktown” helpfully points you in the right direction – Wilson and Kimball streets might be a starting point to feed your jones. Midway through the track list, we find a pimped out cover of 999’s “Homicide” – the beat is amped up to a Beastie Boys chorus and the Peter Gunn riff between verses is good enough to get your blood police-siren excited. Prairie Cartel gets you on your feet and shows that there’s plenty of smoke left in the ol’ dance club engine.

The Prairie Cartel:

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