Now this is a spy phone…
Mobile that allows bosses to snoop on staff developed
Researchers have produced a mobile phone that could be a boon for prying bosses wanting to keep tabs on the movements of their staff.
Japanese phone giant KDDI Corporation has developed technology that tracks even the tiniest movement of the user and beams the information back to HQ.
The KDDI system, is able to detect more complex behaviour by using analytical software – held on a server back at base – to match patterns of common movements.
For example, the KDDI mobile phone strapped to a cleaning worker’s waist can tell the difference between actions performed such as scrubbing, sweeping, walking an even emptying a rubbish bin.
“Of course there are privacy issues and any employers should really enter into an agreement with employees before using such a system,” Mr Yokoyama told BBC News.
“But this is not about curtailing employees’ rights to privacy. We’d rather like to think our creation more of a caring, mothering system rather than a Big Brother approach to watching over citizens.” </em>
Uh huh. You keep telling yourself that.