Truth to Power

Palin, “Truthiness” poster child

truthiness (noun)

2 : “the quality of preferring concepts or facts one wishes to be true, rather than concepts or facts known to be true” (American Dialect Society, January 2006)

Sarah Palin’s ‘Christian Nation’ Remarks Spark Debate

Advocates of Church-State Separation Say Palin Is Distorting Founders’ Intent</a>

Is America a Christian nation?

Sarah Palin said on Friday that it’s “mind-boggling” to suggest otherwise.

“It’s incredibly hypocritical that Sarah Palin, who disapproves of government involvement in just about anything, now suddenly wants the government to help people be religious,” Barry Lynn, the executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, told ABC News.

“We hear of a judge’s ruling that our National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional,” said Palin. “I think we’ll be challenging that one.”

“God truly has shed his grace on thee – on this country,” Palin told the Women of Joy conference. “He’s blessed us, and we better not blow it.” </em>

Little annoys and scares me more than the blatherings of know-nothing theocrats who, since having embraced the lie of faith, find it that much easier to lie about everything else. Either Sarah Palin knows that the United States was founded as much to protect our freedom FROM religion as it was freedom of religion and is willing to pump up the masses with her repressive cheerleading, or she’s just stupid. Doesn’t really matter which, in the end, because every word she utters, or has posted under her name on Facebook is repeated with little to no substantive rebuttal in the cult of personality obsessed press.

Palin is a cancer upon this country, and ignore her and those who pimp her to your peril. There are far too many ignorant goons in this country who can’t seemingly cope with reality and crave the warming glow of truthiness. There is power in masses of stupid.

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