Truth to Power

Bachmann: 51% of crazy, 100% idiot

Bachmann’s latest invention: Obama has nationalized 51% of the economy

Speaking to television personality Chris Wallace, the Minnesota Republican congresswoman claimed that under President Obama the U.S. government had absorbed 51 percent of the nation’s private economy, thereby, in Bachmann’s mind, validating her claim that Obama has “anti-American” tendencies.

In her spiel, the Minnesota Republican claims that “the policies of the last 15 months” have resulted in government usurping control of home mortgages, big banks, auto-makers and the whole health care industry.

“If you add all that up, Chris, that’s 51 percent of the private economy that the federal government now owns and controls,” she said. “Those are the policies that I’m concerned about. We don’t want the federal government owning or controlling private industry.”</em>

Of course, she’s wrong. And of course, since she’s a republican, she’s lying. How’s that quarter of a million dollar farm subsidy working for ya, you hysterical hypocrite?

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