Dune Rats
Dune Rats
Dine Alone Records
For those moments when you can’t handle thinking about anything important, when life is just a big, steaming pile of things you don’t wanna deal with. On those occasions when you wanna drink or smoke a little more than you should, these are the moments when an album like Dune Rats’ self titled Dine Alone Records release suddenly makes sense. The Australian trio play scrappy, stoner punk pop songs about E.T., Superman, and – of course – drugs. Those songs about those topics are simply, and aptly titled “ET,” “Superman,” and “Drugs.” See?! No thinking required!
You won’t find deep, thoughtful, philosophical musings about life, the universe, and everything in between, but you may just find what you’re looking for… if what you’re looking for is to tap out and put the brain on cruise control while spinning a song called “Dalai Lama Big Banana Marijuana.” Think of them as an Australian FIDLAR, or Wavves without all the fuzz.
The record, originally released in their native Brisbane last year, comes with three bonus tracks including the tremendous little bursts of adolescent apathy “Red Light, Green Light” and “FUCK IT.” And I mean, seriously, just LOOK at the album cover! Dookie, anyone?!