Tag: Ed Harris

A History of Violence

Screen Reviews

The hippies had it all wrong. Sometimes, you just gotta bash someone’s face in. At least that’s what Ian Koss thinks after watching David Cronenberg’s latest.

A Beautiful Mind

Screen Reviews

The story of Nobel Prize-winning mathematician John Nash’s struggle with schizophrenia, A Beautiful Mind won four Golden Globes, and is the subject of major Oscar buzz. Troy Jewell ponders whether the film deserves the hype.

Vengeance is Theirs


Tom “Tearaway” Schulte puts the Cramps, David S. Ware, Pollock, Crystal Method, Odetta and many more under the microscope in this month’s Outsight.


Screen Reviews

Fresh from its surprise Academy Award for Marcia Gay Harden’s performance as Lee Krassner, Ed Harris’ biopic Pollock faces an even tougher test – a review from our own Carl F. Gauze.

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Garage Sale Vinyl: David Bowie

Garage Sale Vinyl: David Bowie

Garage Sale Vinyl

This week, Christopher Long reveals one of his most amazing vintage vinyl acquisitions: an original pressing of Aladdin Sane — the iconic 1973 slab from David Bowie. Why so amazing? He nabbed it for FREE!



Screen Reviews

Film noir meets Sci-fi horror in Evan Marlowe’s bizarre puppet film Abruptio. Phil Bailey promises you have never seen anything quite like it.

Cheerleaders’ Wild Weekend

Cheerleaders’ Wild Weekend

Screen Reviews

Cheerleader’s Wild Weekend, aka The Great American Girl Robbery, entered the fray in 1979 with its odd mashup of hostage drama, comedic crime caper, and good old fashioned T & A hijinks. Phil Bailey reviews the Blu-ray release.