Music Reviews

Puffy Amiyumi

The Illustrated History of Puffy Amiyumi

Bar None

Although they have yet to make a blip on the American music radar, Puffy Amiyumi (formerly just Puffy) have ruled pop music in Japan for several years. One possible reason Puffy hasn’t been able to break through in the West is simple jealousy. They have taken American and European pop music, distilled it to its purest form and created a better product than anyone else. The Illustrated History of Puffy Amiyumi is indeed a greatest hits collection of the duo’s best songs, including some tracks in English. Although they have been compared to everyone from Britney Spears to The Go-Go’s, the group Puffy Amiyumi have the most kinship with is ABBA. Both groups feature beautiful female voices, delirious hooks, and totally unapologetic pop. There is no learning curve with this album. You pop it on and you’re hooked. No one out there is creating pop this infectious, not Britney, nor Kylie Minogue, not even Madonna. If Puffy Amiyumi never makes it big in the U.S., it is very much our loss.

Bar None Records: • Puffy Amiyumi:

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