North American Drum and Steel
It’s time for some sort of change. Everybody is putting out the same old crap, and not thinking about what can be done. I decided to give this album a chance, having never heard them before, even in a passing conversation. Well, it’s filled with ups and downs. Sometimes they hit the mark with interesting combinations of native instruments and modern rock, but the album doesn’t sustain those powerful moments long enough to keep my full attention. Often drifts into the background like elevator music. I’d be interested in catching them live to gather a far better interpretation of the music, but with the number of guest musicians, I have a hard time imagining it’s possible. If you are looking for scrapbook of ideas of ideas, pick it up in a bargain bin. Otherwise, just catch them live and let me know how it comes across. Brigade Records, P.O. Box 2686, Grand Central Station, NY, NY 10163