The Dickies
Still Got Live, Even If You Don’t Mean It
What’s this? Well, if you didn’t get the Dickies’ We Aren’t the World ROIR (Reach Out International) cassette-only release about fifteen years ago (I did!), or if you missed their first CD-reissue of We Aren’t the World in 1990 (I did!) here’s your chance again. Contained herein are some of the rawer mixes from their first album (1977…), The Incredible Shrinking Dickies (“Walk Like An Egg,” “You Drive Me Ape (You Big Gorilla),” etc.) and lots of live recordings from some great NYC shows in the early 1980’s. You want to here a live version of the punkest cover of “Nights (sic) in White Satin”? It’s here. The rare live version of “Bowling With Bedrock Barney” is here too. So is the Banana Splits Theme, “Curb Job,” “Tricia Toyota,” “Give it Back,” “She’s A Hunchback,” and lots more. I would seek this out for Leonard Grave Phillips’ (the singer) great banter, including “…absolutely none of tonight’s proceeds will go to Ethiopia…” The album is a bit of an historical record, as there are references to the Falkland Islands War (hunh?), too. The band is still playing punk rock, buy this and help them out. The last time I saw them live (early August 1999), Leonard was on his knees begging people to buy their records. Help out the “Aerosmith of Punk Rock” and finally get your copy of this record. It’s real punk rock.;
ROIR, 611 Broadway, Suite 411, New York, NY 10012