Tooth & Nail
I’ve grown not to expect too much out of Tooth & Nail Records, and this album by Stavesacre lived up to my expectations. The eleven songs on it (they skipped number 9, so it looks like there are twelve), talking about who knows what, ranged from the occasional light ballad to almost hardcore. This album kind of reminds me of a band that everyone said was real good and had great potential, but they should sound like this or that. So they let the compliments go to their head and they tried to make themselves into something that everyone wanted them to be or expected them to be. I don’t know if this is the case with Stavesacre, so I’m probably just making all this up. Anyways, there are a couple of good tracks. Track four, “You Know How It Is,” is a fun filled romp into the world of hardcore. I liked track eight, “St. Eriksplan,” as well. The whole CD is kind of minor sounding. It’s good for some background music, but it’s difficult to get into.
Tooth And Nail Records, P.O. Box 12698, Seattle, WA 98111-4698