Deep Reduction
Deep Reduction 2
Get Hip
It’s a fair guess that most people haven’t heard of this band. Formed by the mixture of Deniz Tek and Rob Younger from Radio Birdman and members of The Stump Wizards, this gritty combo carries on the raucous tradition of Birdman into a modern age. Tek continues to amaze as a guitarist/songwriter, Detroit born and bred and showing his MC5/ Iggy linage well. His sound has always been a velvet wall of fuzz, and the songs he pins are melodic without being sappy. Younger yelps as well as he did 20 years ago on RB classics such as “Burn My Eye,” and the rest of the band provide solid backing. Hell, you gotta love a record with a cover of a Pink Fairies tune (“City Kids”), right? In a time where rock and roll has splintered into so many watered down, pseudo hip fractions, it’s refreshing to hear a band that simply wants to play music that rocks, which, at least for the time being, isn’t illegal.
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