Uptown Sinclair
Uptown Sinclair
The literately-titled Uptown Sinclair put the “pow” back in power pop with this rocking set of nine virulently infectious tunes. Looming walls of guitar fuzz, choruses stickier than spilled maple syrup and an overall sense of urgent fun make Uptown Sinclair a perfect pick-me-up. Even the downtempo material, like the “Sweet Jane”-like “First Thing in the Morning,” is full of golden melody, slower but not sadder. Uptown Sinclair’s sound is basic – guitar, drums, bass, solo and harmony vocals – but they always manage to add some exotic spice to their music, whether it be the sliding guitar on the waltzing “Landslide” or the subtle electric piano on the closing “Never Miss a Thing.” Other tracks, like “Face Down” and “Girlfriend,” showcase the mighty rock power of this Cleveland four-piece, which is tremendous to witness. Make sure you catch the band next time they’re in your neck of the woods, and hopefully vocalist Dave Hill will provide one of his legendary tap solos in the midst of the rock madness.
Uptown Sinclair: http://www.uptownsinclair.com/