The Sound of the Crowd

I’ve read your book, you magnificent bastard

Over in his LiveJournal, my friend Stefon has just posted this Book Meme. So I thought I’d have a go.

Hardback or paperback? Usually paperback simply because they tend to be cheaper.

Highlight or underline? Highlight books that I’m reading for reviewing purposes. What annoys me in a petty sort of way is when I read library books which someone hasn’t just underlined, they’ve corrected!

Lewis or Tolkien? Ooh. Probably Tolkien, but it’s close. I do enjoy a good Lewis reference–“Curiouser and curiouser, said Alice,” is one of my favorite expressions.

E.B.White or A.A. Milne? Milne

TS Eliot or e.e. cummings? cummings because he wrote “Somewhere I have never traveled,” a poem that’s featured in, and in fact was an early title of, my first play. Not Eliot because he was the inspiration for “Cats,” and some things just can’t be forgiven.

Stephen King or Dean Koontz? King, but I’ve enjoyed most of the Koontz that I’ve read, and he told one of my favorite writer stories on the Tom Synder show (ask me when next you and I are together).

Barnes & Nobles or Borders? Well, usually online or used bookstores, but of those two B&N simply because it’s closer.

Waldenbooks or B Dalton? Mall bookstores are meant to be browsed, not shopped in.

Fantasy or science fiction? Fantasy I suppose, but I find in recent years that I read a lot less fiction in general.

Horror or suspense? Horror, but see above.

Bookmark or dogear? Always bookmark, but it’s usually just whatever scrap of paper I can find lying around…which is rarely a problem.

Hemmingway or Faulkner? Of those two Hemmingway, but I’ve read very little of each.

Fitzgerald or Steinbeck? Steinbeck. I always liked Of Mice & Men.

Homer or Plato? The trouble here is that know just enough about each to be able to make a few jokes…but let’s say Homer.

Chaucer or Edmund Spenser? I plead ignorance, my lord.

Pen or pencil? Pen.

Looseleaf or notepad? Notepad.

Alphabetize by author or title? Usually by author, but I’ll change it if I’m looking for a book and can’t remember the author.

Dustjackets on or off? Usually on.

Novella or epic? These days I’m more comfortable with a novella.

John Grisham or Scott Turow? Scott Turow. I haven’t read his fiction but his book on the death penalty is good. Grisham is too…I don’t know, but he’s too.

JK Rowling or Lemony Snickett? Haven’t read either of ‘em. I can tell that Harry Potter is the kind of thing I would have loved as a child, though, and I’ve kind of enjoyed the movies on cable.

Fiction or non-fiction? Mostly non-fiction, with a few exceptions.

Historical biography or historical romance? Historical biography.

A few pages per sitting or at least a chapter? Depends on the book, really.

Short story or creative non-fiction essay? Depends on the writer, really.

“It was a dark & stormy night” or “Once upon a time”? “It was a dark and stormy night,” just because of Snoopy.

Buy or borrow? Borrow (from the library) as a matter of financial necessity, those books I can’t scam review copies of.

Book reviews or word of mouth? Mostly reviews (if I can’t trust a critic, whom can I trust?), but I’ll certainly listen to a recommendation.

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