Get ‘em Harry
by Harry Browne
March 31, 2005
I recently received this message from an acquaintance . . .
I think it is simply perverse of you to claim that Iraqis are no freer than they were under Saddam. The mass graves are being exhumed, not added to; the prison rape rooms are shut down; Saddam and his thugs are going on trial; and instead of ripping themselves apart in a vicious civil war, Iraqi Shiites, Kurds, secularists, and even Sunnis are busily engaged in politics. No freer? Come on, Harry! Don’t let your animus against Bush and the war blind you to the good American arms have accomplished.
I can well understand why the message-writer feels as he does. After all, rarely does a day go by when you aren’t reminded by politicians, TV announcers and commentators, or radio talk-show hosts of the terrible acts Saddam Hussein committed. </i>
More good reasoning from the first libertarian I ever voted for.