Truth to Power


Ok, contrast these two stories. The first, the latest in a despicable series of attempts from right wing crazies to wipeout our Constitution:

New Law to go after Non-God fearing judges

by Sandrover

Sun Apr 3rd, 2005 at 00:28:23 PST

The following is a summary of the Constitutional Restoration Act proposed by Republicans in the 109th congress that makes it possible for the Congress to charge any judge with a crime who disagrees with the concept that all law, liberty, and government comes only from God.

This law will remove judges from the bench if they don’t “acknowledge” that our system of law and government comes from God, as well as exempting certain legislation from judical review, such as the “ One nation under God” issue, or prayer in schools, when a “majority of Americans” back such an action.

Contrast that with the following, where the state of Montana has made the sharpest protest yet of the Patriot Act. So, if the majority of US citizens don’t approve of the Patriot Act, can they be exempted from following it? Not as if we got to vote for it, remember? </i>

House condemns Patriot Act


Gazette State Bureau

HELENA –Montana lawmakers overwhelmingly passed what its sponsor called the nation’s most strongly worded criticism of the federal Patriot Act on Friday, uniting politicians of all stripes.

The resolution, which already galloped through the Senate and passed the House 88-12 Friday, must survive a final vote before it officially passes. </b>

Ok, which sounds like America to you?

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