Truth to Power

From the “Just Gets Worse” dept:

State Secret: Thousands Secretly Sterilized

WINDFALL, N.C., May 15, 2005 – Beneath the surface of this Southern town, with its lush evergreens and winding riverbanks, is a largely forgotten legacy of pain, secrecy and human indignity.

“My heart still bleeds, and it will forever bleed, because of what had happened to me,” local resident Elaine Riddick said.

Riddick was one of thousands of people secretly sterilized by the state between 1929 and 1974.</i>

Wow. Just when you hoped that you had “heard it all”, you get to read about a state government practicing eugenics. I hope the victims sue North Carolina out of existence, frankly. My future in-laws not withstanding.

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Happy Campers

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