Truth to Power

Cold day in hell dept:

GOP to propose budget cuts to cover Katrina costs

WASHINGTON (AP) – House Republicans are looking at delaying some federal spending, including money for a prescription drug benefit under Medicare and thousands of highway projects, to offset the cost of rebuilding the Gulf Coast, a leading GOP fiscal conservative said Sunday.

…Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said an across-the-board cut in spending, excluding defense spending, would be appropriate. He suggested lawmakers consider delaying the drug benefit and review the highway and energy bills passed this summer. The energy bill totaled $12.3 billion over 10 years.

“We’re failing when it comes to controlling spending,” Graham told Fox News Sunday. </i>

It will be a chilly day down below when Congress actually cuts spending on pork laden bills such as the energy package or heaven forbid (literally!) the tax cut gimme. Nope, spending will be cut on such things as Head Start, the EPA- you know, the things that actually help people that don’t have high paid trolls to lobby for them on the Hill. And of course we can’t pull out of the cash drain that is the Iraqi war.

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