Could today be the day?
US officials brace for decisions in CIA leak case
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The federal prosecutor investigating who leaked the identity of a CIA operative is expected to signal within days whether he intends to bring indictments in the case, legal sources close to the investigation said on Wednesday.
In the past, Rove’s lawyer has stated that Karl isn’t a target of the investigation. He refused to restate that in a press conference yesterday. Rove has also been notably absent from White House functions (such as the Miers nomination annoucement) that he generally attends, which has led observers to speculate if the President is already distancing himself from his senior advisor. And chimp has scheduled a “major” speech on Iraq for today- even though things haven’t changed since the press conference the other day. Something must be up.
I refuse to get my hopes too up, but watching this house of stacked cards crumble would be fun.