The Spoiled Chefs
Songs About Food
Moe’s Haven
Homemade CDs get easier and easier to make, and sooner or later this disc became inevitable. Spoiled Chefs consists of Kevin McGee and Matt Farley, supported by friends who contribute song lyrics. These two guys are competent if not inspired musicians, and they’ve assembled a novelty record neatly named after its central theme, Songs about Food. It’s not a Dr. Demento level record, although he might play it, but each of the thirteen tracks is a simple, clearly sung song about some item in your kitchen. “In Need of an Egg” takes us on a small crime spree when the cook needs a single egg to finish a dish, and he decides to steal it. “Franks and Beans” expresses a love for that food product, and the desire to eat nothing else. There’s a health warning buried in “Chicken Pot Pie”: you can’t be sure what’s under the crust, and only the brave will eat them.
These aren’t bad songs, they’re just kind of there. You might play this as pre-show music for a Pampered Chef party, or during a church pot luck supper. But two listenings is about all this disc supports.
Moe’s Haven: http://www.moeshaven.com